Going off another We are paying for the live shows but yet receive live shows should we get a live show every Friday like before
It would seem so right
Seems like we should if we were getting them for free every week.
i dont know man, i think they want to aim 1 live show each month but they just started touring agian so maybe we can get more uploads. its horrible though ive payed for a whole month and got no live show for someone who has seen litterly every video the real 85%ers struggle with this..
Yeah I don't know why they would sell you on getting this streaming service and then not fulfill their end of the bargain I paid for a whole year already just for the live shows and I've been greatly disappointed.
i wanted to pay for the whole year but i just pay when the a new live show drops, i basicly pay 8,50 to watch 1 live show each time
Me2 but I really F with them so I'm trying to be as patient as possible but by the time of renewal it betta be betta or I'm falling back to a monthly subscription. Also give us the new individual shows they each be doing cuz i have to constantly go thru YouTube and I'd rather spend my bread with my folks FRFR & NO CAP
Clearly these aint 85percenters cuz um they def had to stop touring again because of that last covid surge. How they gon drop live shows when they ain't had none??? I'm sure they gon get back on schedule give em a chance, we still gettin shows early and extra content.
Ok well I do know for sure this is incorrect they have had at least 6 shows this year at minimum and none are posted. They just had one back in my city(ATL) that went crazy.(they had performances by trillville and more) Ionly speak on facts. I've been to about 5 shows bought this app for the year I think I'm qualified to be considered a real fan
Yeaaaaa that's not true, u can look on they page to see they haven't toured together as 85 south since the Atl and California shows was canceled, but ok. Also the Atl show was on the 4th right....it's the 13th....guess they suppose to just throw somethin together real quick cuz yall complaining and give shit quality for your $85 huh...
Listen in not engaging in foolishness with you... they have definitely had shows as I previously stated. I live in Atlanta I know they just had a show and they have had a few others... we asking for those not a show that hasn't been shot... I'm assuming you black and this a black product so constructive criticism is ok nobody was bashing or trying to belittle 85 south... know the difference it's always us that talk ignorant and can't disagree with dignity... you don't have to always say the first thing that comes to your mind have some tact
Yikes this nigga said tact 🤣 relax steven u typing too much I hope they drop asap too and I hope u laugh ya panties out ya ass ok, bye steve.
I agree
I agree
Where's the Sacramento show??? Wasn't that filmed already and I still don't see it in the list.