I know this is still the beginning of the app and eventually the fellas will probably have 15 individual shows, but as of right now I don't see anything with Fly and Chico.
I was thinking Fly could do a show about guns. Even linking up with different firearm instructors. He can give the pros and cons to owning a gun. Owning a gun w/ children in the home Eventually meeting someone who is terrified of guns and at least teaching them how to use one properly.
What do you think Fly should do a show about?
What about Chico?
Chico should have a clothes show. Go to cities and towns that don’t have big name clothing stores and find places to find dope ass outfits. Find evening wear, casual, elegant, etc. at the spots he find. In Flint you can find citi trend wearing guys but I’m certain there’s gotta be a boutique or store somewhere that has clothes that’ll have you looking “Clean like Bean.”